Bond books

The document book is a multi-page document containing full information about the owner and all supporting information relating to their professional activities, biometrics and official information for the inspection authorities. It is impossible to forge the document book without violating its integrity, the spine flashing and the tile numbering with inks that contain security features will prevent it.

The document book allows to make, collect and organize data about its owner for a long period, it is a kind of analogue of the ROM in microelectronics. The electronic data carrier expands the possibilities of ID-document in the field of identification of its owner and protection of personal data almost unlimited. High-tech algorithms of personal data encoding allow to secure the document book from unauthorized access to the crystal internal memory and from illegal changes in its content.

The document book contains the photo of the owner. It is made in three main ways:

  • photo is pasted on the page containing personal data;
  • photo is printed on the page containing personal data;
  • photo is engraved on the laser-sensitive layer of the page containing personal data.

To secure the document book from any illegal manipulation of the photo, the method of laminating with secured holographic laminate. The page of the document book intended for laser engraving is a laminate in itself and does not require additional security.

Our company produces document books of any complexity. On customer request it can be equipped with holographic stickers, printed using a highly secure, OVI inks, stitched with a two-layer security thread, may contain electronic media, etc.

It is possible to perform blind embossing or foil stamping on the cover. The title and internal pages of the book may be numbered. We are ready to meet any individual requirements for registration and protection of the document.

We can produce document books using different types of fastening: sewing with thread or sewing with wire.

A variety of high-quality bookbinding materials, both domestic (Ledeen, motor vehicles) and imported (balacron, vanol) are used in production.

All the methods of security against counterfeiting necessary in such documents, depending on the requirements of the customer can be used in manufacture:

  • holograms,
  • optically variable inks,
  • elements for electronic reading

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